Remember Convention

We remember the women who came together to strengthen the Fraternity and continue its mission to nurture each member throughout her college and alumnae experience.

We hope you'll enjoy feeling the overall sense of what it was like to attend Grand Convention in a bygone era, as well as reminisce about more recent Convention assemblies as you:

  • Read letters from attendees as they travel to all parts of the United States and Canada to attend Convention
  • View photos of Thetas that encapsulate the sense and style of each era: preferred means of travel, trendy items of clothing, popularity of music, and more
  • Discover how Convention activities were affected by national and global events, and how Thetas supported their countries throughout difficult times (particularly during the world wars)
  • Learn when various Fraternity legislation was enacted
  • See what ribbons and gifts were distributed to those attending

Click one of the decades above to learn more about Grand Convention from each era in Theta's history.

Theta's 150

We are celebrating our founders, our members, and our future. 2020 is Theta’s sesquicentennial, a celebration of our 150th year. What will you do to acknowledge this milestone in Theta history?