By Rachel Ingle,
Zeta Sigma, Ohio Northern
I now respect and acknowledge the strength of the Fraternity and the sisterhood we are all blessed with.
By Noraleen Young,
Alpha Chi, Purdue
For such a short-lived chapter, we are lucky to have artifacts such as this badge to document its role in Theta’s history.
While the archives is made up of many things, each item is so special because there is a memory and story attached to every one.
Working with women’s history can be a challenge but is worth the effort and time needed to uncover women’s contributions.
Our badge is a symbol of membership, something that identifies us as a member of the same organization and connects us.
Like our members today, they each brought something special to the table to make what they created even stronger.
The archives received some amazing items that tell the story of Theta this year.
#AskAnArchivist Day is when archivists around the U.S. encourage the public to ask questions about archives and archivists.
Day of Service brings members together in service in honor of founder Bettie Locke Hamilton on her birthday, Oct. 19.