Delta Iota

Puget Sound
Photo of Delta Iota
Kappa Alpha Theta
1119 Wheelock Student Center
Tacoma, Washington 98416
Installed On
February 23, 1963
Connect With Us
Delta Iota Website

Facility Managed by FHC

Chapter Heritage

Chapter Heritage image

Chapter Heritage

Did you know that the Delta Iota Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta was installed at University of Puget Sound on February 23, 1963? A lot has happened since then. Learn more about notable Thetas, awards and historical documents by visiting our Heritage website below! 

Delta Iota Chapter Heritage

Donate to Housing

Donate Housing image

Donate to Housing

Whether your chapter has a house, dorm, suite, or lodge, some of the best memories were made in the spaces you shared with your sisters. Theta facilities are home away from home for thousands of young women and a place where we learn leadership as well as organizational and social skills. If the Fraternity Housing Corporation (FHC) manages your chapter, any donation received will go directly into a future renovation or decor plan.

Donate to Housing