Recruitment Information
College chapter recruitment gives us an opportunity to make authentic connections with potential members. We offer a glimpse into 150 years of Theta sisterhood and seek to portray sorority life in its most accurate, foundational form.
How Do I Join Kappa Alpha Theta?
Every college or university has different policies and procedures for joining fraternities and sororities, which is why we recommend contacting the Panhellenic, Greek Affairs, or Student Activities office on your respective campus. You can generally locate contact information for the office associated with fraternity/sorority life on the website of the university you are attending. Often, there will be information on how to register for recruitment. If the website does not contain this information, we can assist you by putting you in contact with a Panhellenic officer.
You are eligible to participate in recruitment if you:
- Are a regularly matriculated student on campus
- Have never been an initiated member of another NPC group
- Have not been a new member of an NPC group on your campus since the last primary recruitment
Kappa Alpha Theta welcomes as members, in accordance with the laws of the Fraternity, college women, without regard to race, religion, national origin, age, disability, or other characteristics protected by applicable law. As some of the earliest women to attend college, Kappa Alpha Theta’s founders fought for inclusion in a frequently hostile educational and social environment. Our mission is to offer women lifelong opportunities for intellectual, and personal growth. Those who identify as women are eligible for membership in Kappa Alpha Theta.
For College Freshmen
If you are a freshman attending a college that has fall primary recruitment, it is most likely that you will receive information during the summer prior to the start of school. Be certain to note the deadlines for recruitment registration. If you do not receive anything from the Panhellenic/Greek Affairs/Student Activities office, be sure to contact the university by following the procedure listed above.
Find a ChapterLetter to Potential Members and Their Support Systems
The decision to participate in collegiate Panhellenic recruitment is a very exciting one—we hope it’s one where you make lifelong friendships and discover the strength that comes from belonging to a sisterhood of inspiring and supportive women. Read a letter from the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) regarding recruitment preparation and transparency.
Read the NPC LetterValues-Based Recruitment
Values-based recruitment is a proven way to recruit members who exemplify our values: personal excellence, sisterhood/friendship, scholarship, service, and leadership. By incorporating values into recruitment, our chapters focus on executing recruitment events that accurately portray both the benefits and obligations of membership. This allows new members to get a realistic sense of what membership in Kappa Alpha Theta means during the college experience and beyond. Values-based recruitment results in members who join our organization due to genuine, authentic connections.
Kappa Alpha Theta supports all aspects of the Values-Based Recruitment Policy adopted by the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). This policy was revised in October 2015 and states:
All college Panhellenics and their member chapters shall incorporate certain policies into their membership recruitment programs; for more details, please visit the National Panhellenic Conference website.
Kappa Alpha Theta is dedicated to ensuring that every chapter executes a values-based recruitment. By recruiting members whose values align with our own, we can ensure that we are welcoming new members who are dedicated to our purpose and mission.
Parents, Families & Support Systems
The engagement of parents, family members and support systems in each Theta member's experience is encouraged and warmly welcomed. Discover resources offered to those who support our members, and find out how to contact us.