Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine

Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine

The Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine is Theta's 139-year-old publication that offers news, updates, and stories about our members, college and alumnae chapters, and the Fraternity as a whole.

Collegians, dues-paying alumnae, and Life Loyal members receive all printed issues.

Summer 2024 Issue

Summer 2024 cover 460x527 image

Summer 2024 Issue

Changing Seasons

Read Our Summer Issue


Current collegians, dues-paying alumnae (either to the Fraternity or to an alumnae chapter), and Life Loyal members receive all print editions of the magazine. (Printed issues each year are subject to change in frequency and format based on unforeseen budget circumstances.)

Alumnae wishing to receive all printed issues are encouraged to join an alumnae group, pay Fraternity dues, or enroll in Theta Life Loyal.

Find a Previous Issue

"... we hope to publish a first-class fraternity magazine. It is well to aim high. We want our kite to fly near the sun." With these words, written in 1885, Grand Council voted to establish The Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine. From the first issue in 1885, our goal has been to update, educate, and entertain readers and to serve as an enduring link between Kappa Alpha Theta and her members.

Looking for a past issue? Browse our magazine archives.

Submission & Editorial Policies

Photographs and brief submissions, including news about individual and group accomplishments, achievements, and activities, may be submitted at any time. Although space restrictions prohibit a guarantee of publication, the editor considers each submission and publishes as many as possible in a timely manner. All submissions must demonstrate the standards and values of Kappa Alpha Theta.

The editor reserves the right to edit any submissions to the magazine.

We do not publish notices of marriages and births, and we prefer not to publish photographs of members "kiting," or making kite shapes with their hands or arms.

No parts of the Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine can be used or reprinted without permission.

Join Life Loyal

One of the many benefits of enrolling in Kappa Alpha Theta Life Loyal is a lifetime subscription to the Theta magazine.

Alumnae Dues

Dues-paying alumnae receive all issues of the Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine.

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Mailing Address

Update your mailing and email address to make sure you're in the know about all things Theta.

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Member Death

Please send notices of deaths to Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity, 8740 Founders Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268, or email us.

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