Watch Our Garden Grow Watch Our Garden Grow Watch Our Garden Grow

Watch Our Garden Grow

To represent the positive impact your generosity will have on Thetas, we hope you will join us as we watch our garden grow. Every pansy given will empower members to achieve their dreams!

When a donation is made to the Pansy Patch, that generous gift is celebrated with an electronic pansy in the garden. Check back to see who else has joined us by planting pansies in the Pansy Patch!

Gold Pansy Giving Clubs

Generous donors joining the Gold Pansy Patch Giving Clubs lead the way for the Pansy Patch! Every generous donor giving at one of the three levels receives a custom pansy pin denoting membership in these clubs. Every honoree receives a gold symbol commemorating the thoughtfulness demonstrated by the donor who honored them. *Please note members of the Golden Pansy Giving Clubs are able to honor one special honoree.