Collegiate Housing & Infrastructure Act
Kappa Alpha Theta has been a Greek leader in safe housing initiatives. We have joined an interfraternal community grassroots effort in support of CHIA.
Sponsored by the Fraternity Government Relations Coalition, a Washington, D.C.-based Greek umbrella organization representing the country’s fraternities and sororities, the effort will allow fraternity and sorority foundations to make tax-deductible financial contributions for infrastructure improvements to meeting and dining areas in chapter houses in the same way the tax code currently allows colleges and universities to use tax-deductible contributions to improve university-owned student housing on campus. This bill would make it substantially easier for Greeks nationwide to raise the money needed to install critical life-safety improvements in our chapter housing, expand housing capacity and otherwise modernize the housing we provide to our students.
Kappa Alpha Theta has been a Greek leader in safe housing initiatives. We have joined an interfraternal community grassroots effort in support of the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (CHIA).
Learn More
For more information on the Collegiate Housing & Infrastructure Act,
please contact the director of government relations below.