Laura Ware Doerre

150 Days of Celebrating Service

On January 27, I invite you to join me in a celebration. Of course, it is a celebration of Founders Day, but it is a Founders Day celebration like no other. It is the beginning of something very special.

In just four short years, Kappa Alpha Theta will be 150 years old. Not many organizations can say that! Yet our Fraternity has not only survived but thrived for a century and a half. That is definitely cause for celebration!

There are many reasons behind the enduring power of Theta sisterhood. Four reasons are our founders: Bettie Locke Hamilton, Alice Allen Brant, Hannah Fitch Shaw, and Bettie Tipton Lindsey. They had the inspiration to form the first Greek-letter Fraternity known among women, and they also had the perseverance, courage, and faith to make their vision a reality.

As we plan for our 150th anniversary in 2020, we will dedicate one year of the next four to each of our founders, beginning with Bettie Tipton Lindsey. Bettie was known for her generous spirit and her care for children who were orphaned or otherwise neglected.

So this Founders Day—January 27—we will begin 150 Days of Celebrating Service. For this special campaign, Thetas everywhere will honor Bettie Tipton Lindsey and advocate for, volunteer for, and donate to a variety of important causes, as well as recognize individual Thetas for being true philanthropists.

Here’s how you can join me in this celebration!

  • Visit to choose the activities you can participate in to make a difference for important causes. ( also offers fascinating insights into Bettie’s life as well as a video interview with her great-niece, a Theta from Gamma Pi/Iowa State.)
  • Use the hashtag #Theta150 on social media to view and share posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Share your service stories on

As we look forward to our 150th anniversary, let’s follow Bettie Tipton Lindsey’s example by seeking ways to incorporate service in our lives, by being of service to others, and by recognizing Thetas who have been of great service.