Madisen Petrosky

Theta Foundation Marketing Manager

4 Reasons One $5 Pansy Makes a Difference during Pansy Patch Week

You may look at the Pansy Patch Planter Standings and think, “There’s no way I can send 100 pansies and get on that leaderboard.” Guess what? That’s okay! You don’t have to send 100 pansies to make a difference. You don’t even have to send 10. Sending just one pansy makes a difference, and here are four reasons why:

1. Without you, we can’t unlock our second Power Pansy. It is people who hold the key to unlocking Power Pansy 2. The first Power Pansy was unlocked when we hit $25,000, but Power Pansy 2 will be unlocked when we reach a total of 1,200 pansy planters (donors). Going into Pansy Patch Week, we are just a little over 420 donors away from the number needed to unlock our second Power Pansy and reveal the number of additional Pansy Patch Scholarships that will be available for the top-ranked chapters at the end of Grand Convention. If you haven’t sent any pansies yet this year, now is the time to do it!

2. What we do together makes the biggest impact. Perhaps you’ve seen Helen Keller’s quote, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” That is the very essence of Pansy Patch Week, Pansy Patch, Theta Foundation, and Theta! When we’re working together there isn’t anything we can’t accomplish. So you can only send one pansy this year for $5? Great! In 2014, it was the combined impact of 1,600 donors sending more than 10,000 pansies that added up to $86,500 raised in support of Theta and National CASA. The recipient of your one pansy can be inspired to give her own pansy.

What’s more, you can lend your voice and your social network by encouraging every Theta you know to send just one pansy. Imagine if you successfully encouraged 5, 10, or 15 sisters to purchase a pansy. Your voice alone could inspire $25, $50, or $75 in pansies! Maybe with your encouragement, your whole chapter decides to send a pansy. How many pansies does that equal? 50? 100? 250? You may only be giving $5, but your pansies combined with your sisters’ add up to a great deal more!

PowerPansy2 Pansy Only3. Everyone can go to Grand Convention… in spirit. If you’ve never been to Grand Convention, it is difficult to explain how stunning and inspiring it is to see Pansy Patch in person. Thousands of pansies are blooming, each representing thoughts of appreciation, gratitude, joy, and more for the individuals whose names are on display. You don’t have to be in Phoenix to be at Convention—all of the pansies sent through Pansy Patch by the final day of Pansy Patch Week, May 13, will appear in this year’s Pansy Patch display in Phoenix. You can see who’s attending Grand Convention by logging in to the Grand Convention website. If you know a sister who’s attending, send her a pansy and make sure she finds her name in the Pansy Patch. (Hint: This year we’ve made it easier than ever to find each honoree’s pansies and to snap and share pictures of them!)

4. Thoughtfulness matters most. One of the most special and important things about Pansy Patch is the thoughtfulness and love that comes with a pansy. When your sister receives a pansy, she knows you’ve been thinking about her. You may have seen her yesterday, or you may not have seen her for 10 years, but a little bit of Theta love and pansies in her email inbox will hopefully remind her of the special bond you share as sisters and the love you have for one another and Kappa Alpha Theta. And best of all, that thoughtfulness extends to other Theta sisters, too. Sending just one pansy makes you a pansy planter and helps unlock Power Pansy 2. And, when you designate the pansy you send to your chapter at checkout, you boost your chapter’s rank in the Pansy Patch Chapter Standings. This helps increase your undergraduate chapter sisters’ chances of becoming eligible for a Pansy Patch Scholarship, meaning each pansy equals a thought that truly counts!

Your one pansy does make a difference. Send a pansy this week to help unlock our second Power Pansy, ensure your name appears in the Pansy Patch display at Grand Convention, and share your thoughtfulness with a Theta sister.

Pansy Patch is Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation’s official Grand Convention fundraiser. You don’t have to attend Grand Convention to participate, and in fact, you don’t even have to be a Theta! For just $5, Thetas, parents, spouses, friends, and supporters can give a pansy to the Thetas they love and care for. These gifts are an investment in Theta’s leading women and strengthen and protect our beloved and evolving Fraternity. Share your love and thoughtfulness by sending a pansy at today.

Follow Pansy Patch Week on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using the hashtag #PansyPatch. Happy pansy planting!