Cory Davis

Zeta Rho, UC San Diego

5 Tips for Almost-Graduates

Cory graduating from her Master's program.
Cory Davis, Theta Foundation scholarship recipient

Congratulations, almost-graduates! You’ve survived many late-night study sessions, papers, and final exams. You’re almost ready to take on the world with your well-deserved degrees in hand. This is such an exciting time in your lives, but it can also be nerve-wracking! To help you cope with any anxiety that might be setting in, here are a few tips to help you through the challenging, but exciting, transition into the “real world.”

1. Fine-tune your resume. The first step in tackling the “real world” is to create an impeccable resume. This is often your first impression on potential employers and you want it to be easy to read, current, and professional. Take the time to give your resume a facelift! It can be helpful to tailor it to a particular job to highlight applicable qualities and expertise. As you gain more experience, you will want to continually update and reorganize this important document. Don’t forget to ask for feedback on your resume from family, friends, and even professors.

2. Don’t get discouraged! Tip number two is not to get discouraged by the job market. I have faith that each of you will be successful in your careers, but finding a job can be tough! You will not immediately become a partner at a law firm, a head anchor at a prime-time news station, or the CEO of Google. Remember to stay humble and determined, and be willing to start from the bottom and work your way up.

3. Stay involved with Theta. My next tip for soon-to-be graduates is to stay involved with Theta! Your sisters have been a huge part of your life in college, and this support system should not disappear when you graduate. Join your local alumnae chapter, volunteer for Theta Foundation, or on the advisory board of a local college chapter. These are great opportunities to meet other young professionals, hear about job opportunities, and create a network when moving to a new city.

Cory 1
Cory showing off her work space at her first full-time job!

4. Give back! Tip number four is to find ways to keep giving back to your community through service and philanthropy. Once you settle into your new post-grad life, you may find that you have the time, skills, and resources to be an asset to your community. Figure out what causes you are passionate about and remember that no effort is too small. Every donation and volunteer hour makes a difference! For me, this was an opportunity to become a CASA—something I have wanted to do since college.

5. Never stop learning! Education does not stop after college. Look into graduate programs that fit your interests and career goals. See what professional development options or conferences are available through your work. Education is a great way to differentiate yourself in the job market as well as to continue to challenge yourself personally and professionally.

Good luck on your post-college journeys!

Theta Foundation is here to support you as you transition to your new life as an alumna! Remember that Theta Foundation scholarships and grants are available to alumnae, and can help offset eligible expenses associated with post-secondary education and professional development opportunities such as workshops and conferences. Learn more on the Apply Now page of Theta Foundation’s website.

You can also give back through Theta Foundation! Join the Soaring Kite Society, a giving society just for young alumnae, by giving $4 per month, or send a pansy through!