6 New Features of Pansy Patch 2016

Pansy Patch is back for 2016! In anticipation of the 72nd Kappa Alpha Theta Grand Convention, we’re thrilled to share our special Grand Convention fundraiser is back for its fifth year. And this year, it’s better than ever! I’m going to walk you through six new features of the 2016 Pansy Patch so you’re familiar with the new site and can begin sending pansies right away!
1. A new convention venue means a new look for Pansy Patch.
The most noticeable difference about Pansy Patch this year is its new look. Pansy Patch has been completely redesigned with this year’s Grand Convention location in mind: the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix. This historic resort has an old-Hollywood feel and art-deco details we just can’t get enough of. We knew this year’s Pansy Patch had to complement the beautiful venue, and thus our art-deco-inspired pansies were born! You’ll see the new design reflected not only in www.PansyPatch.org, but in the physical Pansy Patch display in Arizona.
2. With a new look and website comes improved website functionality.
www.PansyPatch.org has been designed with the most current website practices in mind. Our pansies may have old-world charm, but our website is modern and hosts improved functionality. This year’s www.PansyPatch.org will be the most user-friendly experience yet. First of all, it’s completely mobile responsive, meaning you’ll have an equally optimal experience on your smartphone or tablet as you will on a desktop computer. This will make sending pansies wherever you are, including at Grand Convention, easier than ever. Secondly, our Sister Search feature has been greatly improved. It’s a live database of Theta’s membership, so you’ll be able to find all your Theta sisters, no matter when they were initiated. This includes both our new members and our sisters who have passed away. (Yes, you can even purchase pansies in memory of Bettie, Hannah, Alice, and Bettie!) There have been other small improvements, too, like being able to purchase an unlimited amount of pansies at one time and tracking the total number of donors (this year called “planters”) and total pansies purchased!
Wondering about other updates to the site or have a question about functionality? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or Contact Us!
3. Share your thoughtfulness and love with the world!
Just as in years past, your sisters will receive an email notification that you’ve purchased a pansy in their honor. But who doesn’t also love tagging their sisters in fun posts on social media? After you send a pansy this year, you’ll be able to download an image to post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or whatever social media site you prefer! Tag your sister to let her know you’ve sent her a pansy and share your love for your sister—and Pansy Patch—with the world! Don’t forget to tag your photos with #PansyPatch so you can…
4. Be part of the #PansyPatch conversation.
On the Pansy Patch homepage, you’ll find a social media feed of Twitter and Facebook posts tagged with #PansyPatch. You’ll not only be able to see posts tagged with #PansyPatch, you’ll be able to join the conversation, too! When you share the downloadable Pansy Patch image after you’ve sent pansies to your sisters, be sure to tag the photo with #PansyPatch to join the social feed. But you don’t have to only tag that downloadable image—share pictures of your sisters you sent pansies to or even pictures of real pansies! The #PansyPatch conversation is about more than just $5 pansies—it’s about the thoughtfulness and #ThetaLove of all Theta members.
5. Saying goodbye to the district competition.
Beginning with Pansy Patch’s inception in 2008, there was a friendly competition to see which district and chapter could send the most pansies. College and alumnae districts have changed through the years, though. There are now a different number of alumnae districts as college districts, making for a complicated district competition. If you’re an alumna member, which district would we credit for your pansies: alumnae or college? Where you went to school or where you currently live? These questions and more were considered while creating this year’s Pansy Patch. Finally, we landed on a simple solution: because every initiated member of Kappa Alpha Theta belongs to a college chapter, and because knowing which chapter you belong to is much easier than keeping track of multiple districts, the only competition in place this year is the college chapter competition. Simply select your preferred chapter in the Associated Chapter field when you purchase your pansies, and you’ll contribute to the college chapter’s standing of your choice!
While the district competition is gone this year, the competition aspect of Pansy Patch certainly hasn’t diminished. This year, the college chapter competition comes with much higher stakes…
6. Saying hello to Power Pansies!
We have a very exciting incentive in place this year for the college chapters whose alumnae, undergraduate members, and even friends and family send the most pansies. These incentives will be revealed through Power Pansies. During the four-month Pansy Patch campaign, we will announce specific goals that we aim to reach. When we achieve a goal, a new Power Pansy will be unlocked, and with each Power Pansy unlocked will come some pretty amazing perks for college chapters! We’ll be sharing our first goal very soon. Stay tuned!
Theta Foundation’s staff has had a blast working on Pansy Patch so far this year. We hope you love the 2016 Pansy Patch, and we can’t wait for you to unlock our first Power Pansy! Check out www.PansyPatch.org and give a pansy to your sister today!