Alpha Omicron Runs to Raise Awareness

The Alpha Omicron Chapter has made its home at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK. As a chapter, we aim to provide our members the opportunities to become leading women at our university and within our local community. We are very proud to be a part of the 25-year history of providing support for National CASA. For the past 20 years, the women of Alpha Omicron have hosted the annual “KATs Making Tracks 5K” benefiting our local Cleveland County CASA. This past year, over 650 runners participated to raise a total of $45,000 for Cleveland County CASA’s programs aiding abused and neglected children in the Norman community. This provided 45 children with CASA services for a full year and allowed staff to move into a larger office space as the organization has continued to grow.
The love our members have for Cleveland County CASA allows the 5K to be such a success among the university campus and Norman community. The women of Alpha Omicron strive to be thoughtful advocates, committed volunteers, and generous donors to CASA. Our members believe fully in the mission of CASA: to provide each abused and neglected child the opportunity to thrive. We pledge to stand for children when they are not able to stand alone, we strive to provide each child in the Norman community a voice, and we long to protect the innocence of the children we serve. As college women, we are lucky. We are invested in by Kappa Alpha Theta while receiving higher education. We know without CASA, many of these children will never have the opportunity to experience all that we have. That is our reason—to fight for the children of Cleveland County to receive the same chance we have all received, to be as lucky and as blessed as we are.
To continue our fight for these children, Alpha Omicron will be hosting KATs Making Tracks 5K and one-mile fun run on November 5, 2016. We pledge to give $2,500 to support the $1 million initiative for National CASA by Theta Foundation. Visit to learn more about KATs Making Tracks.