Laura Kassenbrock Stelsel

Most Commonly Broken New Year’s Resolution: Volunteering!

Welcome to the new year! While some people frown on making resolutions, doing so fills me with promise and possibility for the 12 months to come. And I’m not alone; 45% of Americans usually make a New Year’s resolution at the start of the year.

Did you know that according to Time magazine, volunteering is one of the most commonly broken New Year’s resolutions? I tried to do a little research on why people don’t volunteer, and what I found is, for the most part, people get busy with jobs, families, school, life, etc., and the initiative to volunteer just slips away.

But what I also found is that some people don’t volunteer because they are never asked.

So the purpose of this post is two-fold: to make the process to volunteer for Theta simple and fast for you, and to actually ask you to volunteer. If you’re interested in volunteering for Theta, all you need to do is complete the Volunteer Interest Indicator (login required) found on the Volunteer Opportunities page, and I will match you with the position and staff/workforce volunteers that are best for you.

It’s that simple.

Need some more incentive? According to the 2015 volunteer survey of current Theta volunteers:

  • 82.7% said they agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, “I feel satisfied by the overall Theta volunteering experience.”
  • 91% said they agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, “Volunteering for Theta strengthens my bond with the Fraternity.”
  • 97.5% said they would recommend volunteering for the Fraternity to friends and sisters.

It is clearly a rewarding experience.

As I mentioned above, 45% of Americans usually make a resolution but only 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolution. Complete the Volunteer Interest Indicator and be one of the successful few today!