August 2016
Have you visited the site lately? On the "From Theta’s Archive” blog, we have two recent posts: one written by this year’s archive intern, Isabel Mularoni, Beta Tau/Denison, connecting Theta’s values in a 1875 version of the Kappa Alpha Theta Constitution to our current mission statement, and Theta's participation in the Summer Olympics, past and present. Let us know if you are aware of additional Thetas who have been part of the Summer Olympics!
The latest “Ask the Archivist” article from the Spring/Summer 2016 issue of the Magazine is available to read. The article answers the question “What Was Convention Like 100 Years Ago?” and explores the 1915 and 1917 Grand Conventions. Having recently returned from Grand Convention 2016, the sense of purpose and fun is still found all these years later.
I encourage you to follow Theta on social media, as each week the archive shares something from the collections for “Throwback Thursday” via Facebook and Instagram, often asking for your assistance in identifying individuals pictured in the images. Using the #ThetaHistory hashtag, the heritage site's home page provides a gallery of recent images from the kappa_alpha_theta Instagram account and posts on Twitter. Soon you will also be seeing the archive via Snapchat!
Let us know if there are topics you would like to see on the heritage site by contacting