August 2017 Archives News
I know many of you are gearing up for the new school year. Here on the Heritage website, we are, too! We’ve been adding content we hope you will find useful and interesting, either as you learn more about Theta or share what you know with other Thetas.
If you’ve read my previous posts, you know about the special exhibit we had at Theta headquarters, “Bettie and Her Family: Four Generations of Thetas.” If you did not get a chance to visit the exhibit in person, we hope you will enjoy experiencing it virtually, in this new video. As I mention in the video, the artifacts in the exhibit, along with the rest of the “Bettie collection,” are housed in the archives and will be used in a variety of ways, particularly as we head toward our sesquicentennial.
One of the best things about summer in the archives is getting to share our collections and history with a Theta archives intern. Elle Benak, Gamma deuteron/Ohio Wesleyan, is the 2017 summer archives intern and has written a blog about Theta connections and the archives. (Several other posts by Elle will appear over the next few months.) She is returning to Ohio Wesleyan to finish her last year. We have had lots of fun, and she will be missed.
If your plans for this autumn include member education activities for collegians or alumnae, remember that the heritage site contains resources to use. Check out current and past blog posts and magazine articles and use as discussion starters. Visit the Notables page to find Thetas in a variety of fields. Learn some new about Theta!