July 2017 Archives News
I sometimes think that summer runs at a slightly slower pace than the rest of the year … and then it’s over, and I realize it didn’t last long enough. I don’t know about you, but I seem to have some time to read a good book, work on some fun projects, and get to things that I have been meaning to do but just can’t find the time.
School may be out, but we are continuing to honor founder Alice Allen Brant during this Year of Scholarship. I have compiled a timeline of Alice’s life, including her time as a teacher. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and trace her life as she moved across the U.S. and see how Theta has honored her in the past.
If you’re looking for a good summer book, look for information about Theta authors in the Notable Thetas area of the Heritage site. Can You Recommend a Theta Author from the Winter 2016 issue of the Theta magazine provides some specific suggestions, while A Lasting Literary Impression: Margaret Kinnan Rawlings from the Spring 2008 issue discusses our Pulitzer Prize-winning Theta from Psi/Wisconsin.
When you need a respite from the heat, spend some time on this site and learn something new about Theta.