May 2018 Archives News
May is an interesting month. While it is filled with end-of-the-school-year departures and graduations, it is also filled with new beginnings: new jobs, new internships, and new plans for the summer. You get to look back while looking forward.
One of the new “things” here in the Theta archives is a fun tool in the College Chapters area of the Theta heritage site. Members now have the option to share photographs with the Theta archives and with visitors to the relevant Theta chapter’s history page. The tool will lead you through the steps of submitting images. Once uploaded and described, the images will be submitted for review and then posted to your chapter page. (You do need to be logged in to the Heritage site to upload the images, using the same login as you do for the Theta website.) I know I have seen some great vintage images on members’ social media channels, and I can’t wait to see what you will share with us!
Even if you don’t have images to submit, do take some time to visit the chapter pages. There is one for every chapter, and each contains information about the chapter’s history and the notable Thetas connected to that chapter.
I hope you will also take some time to enjoy what a sister from Alpha Beta/Swarthmore in 1900 called “these dreamy May days” … and look back while you go forward.