Updates to the Heritage Site
About a year ago, we debuted this website – heritage.kappaalphatheta.org – to provide easy access to the history and source material of Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity. During the past year, we continued to add content, and improved what was already there.
A recent project focused on uploading and providing easier access to all the “Through the Years” and “Ask the Archivist” articles on the Magazine Articles page, as well other articles that reflect on the history of the Fraternity and Theta Foundation. Arranged by most recent first, the articles span a variety of topics on Fraternity history, notable members, and memorable events. A search feature is available that will allow you to narrow down the articles. Clicking on the article thumbnail will bring up a link for a PDF version to read or download, so you can share with your fellow Thetas or use it during a chapter event.
Some of my favorite articles include Hannah Fitch Shaw’s patent for an “improved dustpan” or the five women from around the world who received Fraternity fellowships in the 1940s and 1950s. Photo essays are always fun, too. The real story about Theta myths is a good one, as well.
Interested in a topic that you don’t see here? Send us your idea for “Ask the Archivist” at archives@kappaalphatheta.org for a possible future article.
Keep checking back at heritage.kappaalphatheta.org as we continue to offer new content and improve access to what we already have!