Katie Busby

Outstanding Faculty Inspire Theta Collegians

During our college experience, we encounter individuals who leave an indelible mark on our lives. These individuals include our roommates, friends, Thetas, classmates, and our faculty.

If you are an alumna, then you probably have fond memories of your favorite professor. This professor probably didn’t give an “easy A,” but that wasn’t why you took the class. He/she probably challenged you to accomplish more than you thought was possible while demonstrating a passion for knowledge and a commitment to students. Faculty members on campuses across the United States and Canada continue to instill knowledge while inspiring, engaging, and mentoring today’s Theta collegians.

Commitment to higher education and scholarship as demonstrated by these faculty members is also a cornerstone of Kappa Alpha Theta, and is a priority through the Plan of Aspirations. This shared commitment was the impetus to establish the Kappa Alpha Theta Outstanding Faculty Award.

In 2015, the fourth year of this hallmark program, I have the privilege of serving on the award selection committee. Last year, we received more than 100 nominations submitted by each Theta college chapter, and were tasked with selecting ten recipients. The five men and five women who comprise the 2014 Outstanding Faculty list each make significant and unique contributions to their students’ lives by inspiring them inside the classroom as well as helping them reach their goals outside of the classroom.

Each college chapter is strongly encouraged to submit its nominated faculty member via the Officer Portal; the deadline for applications is Friday, April 10. Special thanks to Jill Andersen, Zeta Theta/Cal Polytechnic State, and Erin Howle, Delta Kappa/Louisiana State, for serving on the Outstanding Faculty Award selection committee.

Who is making a difference in your life? Which faculty member do you remember the most from your college days? Which faculty member(s) inspired you to reach your aspirations?