Gamma Mu Pride: Six Thetas, Five Decades, One Family
A few minutes ago, I just finished writing a letter to my niece, Emily Rizzo, for her Senior Send-off at the Gamma Mu chapter at the University of Maryland. Emily is the sixth woman in my family to be a Gamma Mu Theta. Our legacy began with my initiation in the late 1970s. My sisters, Jana Ifkovits Rizzo and Jill Ifkovits Kries, followed in the early and late 1980s. Twenty years later, my daughter, Kelly Chesnick Brodie, became a Gamma Mu. My nieces, Jessica and Emily Rizzo, joined the ranks of Gamma Mu within the next five years. Our family has had someone living in the Maryland Theta house in each of the last five decades.
Theta is for a lifetime, and we are hoping that our little legacy continues. Jill has two daughters, 11 and 13 years old, and I have a grandbaby on the way in August. If it’s a girl, there’s another legacy for the Ifkovits women!