Happy Anniversary to Our Members!
I like to write a blog every year to recognize those Thetas who are celebrating their 25-, 50-, and 75-year anniversaries. While sitting down to write this, I realized this is my fifth blog about anniversaries! What should I write about this year?
So I went to Theta’s heritage website and decided to search for a quote for inspiration. I stumbled upon the one below from Elizabeth Garrett Haselton. She was initiated at Beta Epsilon/Oregon State in 1921 and received her 50-year pansy pin in 1971.
“Thanks for my pansy pin. I suppose it’s fine to have a 50th, as they say. However, this rather crept up on me! … Theta did make a tremendous difference in my college life, as I transferred and attended three universities. … I felt as though I always had a place to hang my hat and the possibility of making friends without too much agony. A good many of the people I knew then I still know now and it’s certainly been a basic plus. And it’s still a good fraternity!” Elizabeth Garrett Haselton, Beta Epsilon/Oregon State
Even though the world was a very different place when Elizabeth was initiated, her words are timeless. I’m sure many members agree that Theta has given them a place to hang their hats and helped them make friends. I’m also sure there are many Thetas who can’t believe they are celebrating an anniversary, too! We definitely want to hear from you. Please share your thoughts in the Comments section below.