Leading Theta into a New Biennium
The 2024 Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity Nominating Committee conducted its business according to the Nominating Committee Procedures adopted by the 2022-2024 Grand Council.
Katie Busby, Epsilon Zeta/Mississippi, served as committee chair and Laura Locke, Gamma Phi/Texas Tech, served as vice chair. Jenni Schmaltz, Gamma/Butler, CEO/executive director, served as secretary. Six nominating committee members, three collegians and three alumnae, were elected by their respective districts to serve on the committee. Each member maintained the confidentiality of all committee business.
Each candidate participated in a synchronous, virtual interview and all committee meetings were held virtually. The nominating committee completed a thorough and thoughtful review of the information provided by and about each candidate and her ability to fulfill the duties of Grand Council. The slate for the 2024-2026 Grand Council for consideration by Grand Convention delegates is as follows:
- Erica Ochs, Eta Nu/Lake Forest, President
- Catherine Lock Bibb, Gamma Phi/Texas Tech, Vice President
- Laura Richardson Bright, Beta Tau/Denison, Vice President
- Nicole Frank, Beta Theta/Idaho, Vice President
- Leslie Holzmark Franklin, Alpha Phi/Tulane, Vice President
- Anna Rushing, Zeta Lambda/Charleston, Vice President
- Cynthea Strube Yestal, Beta Chi/Alberta, Vice President
If you have a concern about a slated candidate’s ability to fulfill her duties, please contact me at boardservice@kappaalphatheta.org.
At their meeting on June 12, 2024, the Fraternity Housing Corporation (FHC) Board approved the appointment of Leah Hartman, Nu/Hanover, as FHC president, and Kellie Dickerson, Zeta Lambda/Charleston, as FHC vice president. They will be joined by Jenni Schmaltz, CEO/executive director, who will serve as FHC secretary, and a Fraternity vice president will be appointed following Grand Council elections to serve as a member of the board.
At their meeting on June 20, 2024, the Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation nominating committee met and approved the following appointments to the Board of Trustees:
- Nancy Milligan Frick, Alpha/DePauw, President
- Amy Hamilton, Delta/Illinois, Vice President
- Lisa Youngers, Psi/Wisconsin, Treasurer
- April Brown, Eta Theta/Central Florida, Trustee
- Jane Shepherd Dick, Epsilon Mu/Princeton, Trustee
- Kim Linin, Delta Eta/Kansas State, Trustee
- Kim Harvey Looney, Delta Pi/Tennessee, Trustee
- Ana Ellis Schwab, Lambda/Vermont, Trustee
They will be joined by Jenni Schmaltz, CEO/executive director, who will serve as Theta Foundation secretary. Erica Ochs, Fraternity president, and a Fraternity vice president will be appointed following Grand Council elections to serve as ex officio members.