NHPW 2020 415x260

National Hazing Prevention Week: Creating a Culture of Care

Category: Fraternity

Emma Silvers

Alpha Xi, Oregon

“Every college chapter should conduct chapter operations in a manner that exhibits care and concern for the well-being of all members,” Risk Prevention Handbook, p. 1.

While reflecting upon National Hazing Prevention Week that takes place this week, the beginning of the fall semester and as we welcome new members to Theta across North America, this quote from the Risk Prevention Handbook stands out.

As recruitment, chapter meetings and sisterhood events look different than ever before, we know care and concern for one another is more important than ever. A culture of care is centered in relationship-building, individual responsibility, shared values and intentional communication.

Creating a culture of care in our college chapters reaches far beyond hazing prevention. We see the importance of care while we navigate COVID-19 and continue our commitment to anti-racism. Below you will find three ways all members can create a more caring Theta experience.

  1. Ask, and mean it. When checking in on someone, be sure you have the time and energy to lean into an intentional conversation. Go beyond the “how are you?” and create the space for others to share authentically.
  2. Make care-centered decisions. When making decisions, ensuring care and inclusion are priorities. Ensuring activities (inside and outside our chapters) are inclusive, physically and emotionally safe and accessible to all who would like to participate.
  3. Walk the talk. When you say something, mean it! Follow through with promises made, even the simple one. It might be a weekly coffee date, walk through campus or encouraging text message, and reliability is key.

As college and alumnae members, we have the ability and responsibility to foster a culture of care. This is nowhere more important than in our world today, and in the close friendships found within Theta chapters.