National Volunteer Appreciation Week: April 12-18, 2015
To all of our international, district, committee and chapter volunteers, we thank you for all you do! You help our chapters run smoothly, you find updated member contact information, you plan events, and so much more. You donate something that is very precious to each and every one of us—your time.
During National Volunteer Appreciation Week (April 12–18, 2015), we ask all our members to take a moment to thank the Theta volunteers in their lives. Visit our Facebook page to tag your favorite volunteer in a post using #ThankaTheta. Visit our Pinterest board to find simple but meaningful ways to show a Theta volunteer how much you appreciate her. Post a picture of you and a Theta volunteer to our Instagram page.
Volunteers are the leading women who help make Theta her best. Check out this list of our volunteers to find a chapter advisor’s name, an alumnae chapter president’s name, or even your name.
Thank you, Theta volunteers!