Women Supporting Women
Following Grand Convention 2016, Kappa Alpha Theta embarked on a journey of organizational self-discovery to help us define the Theta brand: what makes us stand out, what makes us unique. We heard story after story from Thetas about how their success—in school, in chosen professions … in life—was fostered by, even made possible by, their membership in our Fraternity. We heard story after story of how the Theta experience is defined by the emotional connection we have with one another.
Former Fraternity President Norma Anderson Jorgensen, Gamma Zeta/Connecticut, defined sisterhood like this: “It can’t be weighed, measured, bought, sold, leased, inherited, or put into words. It has no dollar value. It is more a feeling than a state of being.”
Norma also believed that sisterhood is reciprocal, a giving of one’s self accompanied by a willingness to receive from others. A new video, unveiled at Grand Convention 2018, eloquently expresses this, and you can view it in the new Women Supporting Women page of our website.
We hope you will use the hashtag #ThetasGotYourBack to share the video, as well as follow stories of Theta support. We also hope you will share your Theta-support story!