Theta Foundation is excited to announce that the 2021-22 Chapter & Individual Grant applications are now available!
Theta Foundation is proud to support college and alumnae chapters as well as individual Thetas in pursuit of the widest influence for good through our Chapter & Individual Grants program. You are likely aware of Theta Foundation’s Scholarship program, but may have never heard of this particular program. While the scope of this program may be smaller, the impact is just as incredible!
Chapters and individual members can apply for grant funding to support their participation in non-degree educational, leadership development, and service-learning programs. But what exactly does this mean? In order to give you a better idea, I have provided a few examples of programs that both chapters and members have recently pursued with the help of Theta Foundation grant funding:
- An alumna received grant funding to participate in a yoga teacher training program so that she can incorporate yoga into her work as a school counselor in a low-income, urban setting in order to better serve her students who have experienced trauma.
- An alumna received grant funding to attend and present her original research at a conference that will allow her to network with peers and potential employers as well as contribute to the advancement of her field of study.
- A collegian received grant funding to participate in a marine education and research internship to gain hands-on experience with marine wildlife, which will help prepare her for a future career as a conservation biologist.
- An alumnae chapter received grant funding to hire a DEI expert to lead chapter members through an unconscious bias workshop, fostering inclusion and understanding within the chapter, in the community, and beyond.
- A college chapter received grant funding to make fleece tie blankets for a local nonprofit that will donate the blankets to vulnerable children in their community.

If you think that you or your chapter could benefit from a Theta Foundation grant, please visit the Apply for Scholarships & Grants page to learn more about eligibility, deadlines, and application requirements. The deadline for applications for programs beginning on or after September 1 is coming up on July 14!
Questions? Please contact Theta Foundation.