Back in 2012, Theta launched to collect and share a wealth of historical knowledge about our chapters, our Theta sisters, and the organization itself. Our heritage website was the one-stop place to learn about Theta, not only the stories we are familiar with but also the stories we have re-discovered as people ask questions and as new resources become available.
The Theta website was renovated last year to reflect our new brand and also make accessing information easier. This year, it is the heritage content’s turn! We’ve analyzed how people use our content, and that data has driven our reorganization and choice of some new tools to share Theta’s history.
We organized the content into four main areas.
- Notable Thetas, where we recognize our sisters for their contributions to their professions and the larger community.
- Our Heritage, where you can discover the history of our college chapters, learn about the badge, and delve into the lives of our each of our four founders.
- Exhibit Gallery, where you can wander through virtual galleries that feature the history of our coat of arms, learn about Grand Council, or look back at Grand Conventions past. I think you will like the new way you can explore these galleries.
- Resources, where you can find quick access to Theta magazine articles and blogs about our history, learn about best practices for managing your historical materials, and review resources about the history of Greek-letter organizations amid the larger context of women’s history.
Our new virtual space also includes an easy link to contact us … whether you have a burning question about Theta heritage or are wondering about donating materials to the archives.
I encourage you to visit and explore!